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Women will be saved through childbirth? Part 3 of 1 Timothy 2:11-15

1 Timothy 2:11-15

Let a woman learn in silence in all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. Nevertheless she will be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness with self-control.

In the previous posts I talked about the historical context and why Paul was calling for the silence and submission of women at those specific churches, at that time. We also looked at why Paul brought up the creation story in order to set straight false doctrine. We concluded from this that this is not a universal decree of silence and submission of women. If you did not read the previous posts, I encourage you to read them!

Now what’s all this about childbirth saving our souls? I am humored by how some theologians attempt to reconcile this verse to encourage domesticity, an assumed feminine trait, and make it Biblical. This however is not what is being said. Not to mention all of the women who are not able to have children? Where does this verse leave them? As strong as that baby fever can be, I think we all know that popping out babies will not ensure our salvation. So what’s going on here?

Remember what I said about how the Ephesians worshipped female deities? Ephesus was home to Diana, the goddess of fertility. Many women died in childbirth, so women were known to travel to Ephesus to invoke the help of Diana before they gave birth.

In light of this, many scholars believe that Paul is again confronting the issue of syncretism (the fusion of two religions into one) in Ephesus.

Christian women still held on to this belief in Diana, and some may even have hesitated to convert because of this. Paul is telling them that they do not need to fear and attempt to invoke the help of a false god. Rather they must follow Jesus, and trust in God’s protection of them during childbirth.

Some scholars also believe this could be pointing to the birth of Jesus. When Eve was cursed, she was also promised that redemption would come through her offspring (Genesis 3:15). In this sense salvation did come to women through the birth of Christ who broke “the curse of Eve” along with the sins of the world.

Have no fear ladies, baby or not, your salvation comes through Christ alone.

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